Watt (W) - Kilowatt per hour (kWh)

The Watt is a measurment unit of power. The name has came from the British engineer James Watt ( James Watt 1736 - 1819).
The symbol of Watt is W. The power of 1 Watt is the power of 1 joule (J) that transferred in 1 second (s).


Multiplies of Watt:
1 microwatt ( μW ) = 10-6 W
1 miliwatt ( mW ) = 10-3 W
1 kilowatt ( kW ) =103 W
1 megawatt ( MW )  =106 W

Also we can compare the watt with other measurement units of power. For example:
1 kilowatt ( kW ) = 1,36 horse-power ( hp ) 

Kilowatt per hour is a measurement unit of energy. The symbol of kilowatt per hour is kWh.
One (1) kilowatt per hour is the energy tha produced or consumed during one (1) hour with power of 1 kW. Also is equal with 3.600.000 joule (J)
Multiplies of kWh:
Megawatt per hour ( MWh ) = 1000 kWh
Gigawatt per hour ( GWh ) = 1.000.000 kWh
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